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Jungle Foundations (Escape Low Elo!)

Jungle Foundations (Escape Low Elo!)

16 total reviews

Regular price €10,00
Regular price €13,00 Sale price €10,00
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An affordable monthly membership that gives you access to THE JUNGLE VIDEO COURSES that will get you GOLD! Escape ELO HELL (confirmed real) as fast as humanly possible to escape the demons that hold you down.

It also includes incredible free extras: 

Silver JG Course (worth €90)

Bronze JG Course (Worth €65)

JG 101 Course (worth €50)

Jungle Coaching VOD Library

Private Virkayu Jungle Club and Training Discord <---

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Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
Roberto Bill

Tengo muchas complicaciones con el idioma :/

Chance Morinigo

Jungle Foundations (Escape Low Elo!)

Alexander Ford
Learning overall

So in the days I have improved since getting your program. The only negative thing I could say is I found it difficult sorting through all the available information which is all solid content. Don't get me wrong. I believe there could be an easier way at introducing the information available to people. Such as where things are located. Thinkific for example and then the website for all your regular reviews and how they are accessible. I was lost at the start and believe having the two cites link to one another would help. If there is such a way I didn't see it and I'm dumb, but from my knowledge and scouring the website.
Otherwise your doing an awesome job. Thank you for your content. I hope to grow in the future with your help.

Robert Larson

Jungle Foundations (Escape Low Elo!)

owen roderiques
it is a good course!

i enjoy watching the videos and things that you talk about but i feel like i could benefit from a little more in depth and i assume thats the higher package im not sure but overall i enjoy it and seem to be comprehending the concepts because before i thought that they were very complex but in reality its fairly simple when it comes to getting ahead and being ahead and the right decisions to make and jungle tracking and things along the lines of that, thank you

Why Virkayu Coaching?

  • Qualified Teacher & Coach

    I have been coaching and teaching since 2009 from the field to the court to the classroom to private tutoring to online 1 on 1s! If there is a medium through which to teach, I've done it.

  • Accomplished

    Multi Positional High Elo Player that has coached 1,000+ clients 1 on 1 , and through Bootcamps, to reach their goals - whether it be GOLD, DIAMOND, MASTER, or CHALLENGER!

  • Diverse

    My degree is in Astrophysics, whereby I left my PhD program to look for something... new. I have passions varying from said Star stuff to cars and Formula 1, a bodybuilder and weightlighter, a qualification in Finance (yes), and more! Perspective is something I VALUE.

  • I Understand Reality

    I actually have experience trying to climb while working 90 hours a week, having a life, people, family. It isn't easy and I don't just tell hard working professionals and REAL people to play 2000 games. We create REALISTIC goals based on what you want to achieve with the time you have!