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Ragnarök Coaching Experience

Ragnarök Coaching Experience

8 total reviews

Regular price €200,00
Regular price €235,00 Sale price €200,00
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A 90 Minute FULL Coaching Session including live play!

A full coaching session...but for gods only. I will live view a game with you followed by an hour long in-depth VOD review! Disclaimer: The live view game will have observations, tips, minimal input from me. The goal is to see your POV and what you do and think about IN GAME to give a better and more rounded coaching session! Total time ~ 90 minutes.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
David Bark
First time coaching experience

Fantastic! Very helpful, accommodating and informational.

Tanja Giacomelli
Exactly what I needed

I got what I needed to climb to the next level in only two weeks!!!

Ronny Galdal
Thx for awesome Ragnarok experience

After this session i got some key takeaway's that had major impact on my gameplay. Suddenly I notice a huge change in bouth gameplay and mental state. Thanks Virkayu for good adaptions in the teaching that applies to each individual. Even with bad MMR i have now climbed back from P1 to soon be E3 in just a few days!

Grant Ramsey
Gained 700 LP in 1 Season with Virkayu's Coaching

I started Season 12 as Silver4 after finishing Season 11 Gold 4- I felt "hardstuck" and unable to climb anymore, despite having climbed higher in the previous season. I used Virkayu for monthly coaching starting in March 2022, and here at the end of Season 12 I am now Gold 1- that is a 700 LP gain, and I couldn't have done it without Virkayu. He will customize the Coaching to YOUR needs- what champions you play, what rank you are, and the current meta. Personalized coaching helps figure out what YOU need, not just what the average player at your ELO needs. If you're serious about climbing for next year's season, hire Virkayu on his Patreon right now!

aiden colley
Awesome Experience!

I was super nervous going into the coaching but instantly Virkayu felt super easy to talk to and discuss my gameplay with. The life coaching had minimal input, allowing him to observe my habits and playstyle, with a little insight along the way. The real gold is the VOD review, where he anylized everything I did right and wrong, and gave alternate decision making ideas. I feel his coaching format is superior to a Live-only coaching session as he is isn't playing the game through you, merely giving you the tools and information to play at a higher level. Without this dragging on for too long, super fun experience, learned a lot, and you even get a copy of the VOD review so you can rewatch it at your leisure.

Why Virkayu Coaching?

  • Qualified Teacher & Coach

    I have been coaching and teaching since 2009 from the field to the court to the classroom to private tutoring to online 1 on 1s! If there is a medium through which to teach, I've done it.

  • Accomplished

    Multi Positional High Elo Player that has coached 1,000+ clients 1 on 1 , and through Bootcamps, to reach their goals - whether it be GOLD, DIAMOND, MASTER, or CHALLENGER!

  • Diverse

    My degree is in Astrophysics, whereby I left my PhD program to look for something... new. I have passions varying from said Star stuff to cars and Formula 1, a bodybuilder and weightlighter, a qualification in Finance (yes), and more! Perspective is something I VALUE.

  • I Understand Reality

    I actually have experience trying to climb while working 90 hours a week, having a life, people, family. It isn't easy and I don't just tell hard working professionals and REAL people to play 2000 games. We create REALISTIC goals based on what you want to achieve with the time you have!