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Gold/Plat Jungle Course (Get to EMERALD!) (LIVE)

Gold/Plat Jungle Course (Get to EMERALD!) (LIVE)

2 total reviews

Regular price €85,00
Regular price €125,00 Sale price €85,00
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PLEASE NOTE: If you were PLATINUM in S13 Split 1 or before, you should see the EMERALD course as that corresponds to your NEW rank, as per Riot. This course is intended for S13 Split 2 Gold And Plat Players! 

A detailed course talking about the fundamentals of jungling for GOLD & PLATINUM players who want to get to EMERALD with tips that are RELEVANT to their struggle, pain, and understanding. Now in the top half of the playerbase, you desire to accelerate beyond. To prove you are not a serious casual. To prove to yourself... you can be in the top 10%. Let's do it. 

Preorder discount active: March 3 (Q1) 

1) What Is Jungling In Gold/Plat?

2) Best STYLE Of Jungling?

3) Differences Between Low Elo, Gold, Platinum, And Emerald

4) Advancing Your Pool, Gameplans, And Game Speed!

5) Gold Tracking And Jungle Decision Evolution

6) Playing Ahead/Behind In Gold/Plat (Pun... not intended) And Focusing On Winning MORE

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Dio Afonso
The course helped me get back my confidence

After a lot of struggle last season, i finnaly managed to hit platinum rank with the help of Virkayu's videos. This season, i got placed in gold and very easily got back up to plat with good winrate. However, i hit a massive wall. Despite my best efforts i was not able to surpass Plat 4 50 LP. My winrate tanked to 48% and even demoted back to gold, my mmr in shambles. I lost all my confidence in myself and the game started being less and less fun. After aquiring the gold course and re-learning fundamentals i managed to get back to platinum and even broke my "wall" . The course helped me revise all i have learned before and get back my confidence. Virkayu really streamlined and made the concepts more understandable and helped me figure out wich parts of my gameplay to focus on for improvement.

Grant Ramsey
Relieve your Ranked Climb Stress with Focused Jungle Knowledge

I am currently a Gold Jungler who is climbing fast with the knowledge from this course. Many in Gold (myself included before being exposed to Virkayu's training) get stuck in the mindset of "bad teammates are holding me back" or "the meta is holding you back". You queue up in fear of losing LP and staying "hard stuck". I can tell you all of that is nonsense- the only thing holding you back is your own skills, and that is good news because YOU can improve YOUR skills. Virkayu breaks down the most common Gold jungler flaws/mistakes and gives you a condensed, actionable plan to fix all of them. Most importantly, he also emphasizes the pillars of jungling to ensure you have a strong foundation (which everyone from iron to the pro scene need for jungle success) to climb well beyond platinum. Put that ranked anxiety and ego aside my friends (Don't make my mistakes prior to Virkayu coaching) and learn what you need fast and climb even faster!

Why Virkayu Coaching?

  • Qualified Teacher & Coach

    I have been coaching and teaching since 2009 from the field to the court to the classroom to private tutoring to online 1 on 1s! If there is a medium through which to teach, I've done it.

  • Accomplished

    Multi Positional High Elo Player that has coached 1,000+ clients 1 on 1 , and through Bootcamps, to reach their goals - whether it be GOLD, DIAMOND, MASTER, or CHALLENGER!

  • Diverse

    My degree is in Astrophysics, whereby I left my PhD program to look for something... new. I have passions varying from said Star stuff to cars and Formula 1, a bodybuilder and weightlighter, a qualification in Finance (yes), and more! Perspective is something I VALUE.

  • I Understand Reality

    I actually have experience trying to climb while working 90 hours a week, having a life, people, family. It isn't easy and I don't just tell hard working professionals and REAL people to play 2000 games. We create REALISTIC goals based on what you want to achieve with the time you have!